Make the Most out of your 300-400 square feet Studio Apartment

With real estate prices escalating, not everybody can afford a big apartment with multiple rooms, house or a mansion. The trend is of small tiny apartments, not more than 300-400 square feet, also known as studio apartments as they are affordable. Moreover, nowadays, a small space doesn’t mean that you can’t have a cozy bedroom, sufficient storage space or a modern kitchen of your choice. In fact, interior designing is prospering more in small space management as almost all persons prefer a nice studio apartment rather than investing in a large house. So, if you are an owner of a 300-400 square feet house; below provided are some tips to make the most out of your small space and feel proud of your possession.

Expert Tips to decorate a 300-400 square feet Studio Apartment

• Choose a style according to you

Since the space available is pretty small; the first thing that you must take care if to be true to your own style and work with what is available. Accept the shortcomings that might be in your apartment and work with them to evolve your place into a great living space. Don’t rush and take your own time. A small space, since it is easy to manage and take care of, provides more comfort than a lavish bungalow or a big apartment, provided you use the interiors wisely.

1. choose style according to you

• Allow light to flow

Wherever it is possible to add a window, do it, to fill your small space with sufficient lighting. A window is necessary especially in the part of the space which you are planning to put your bed in so as to not make the sleeping space feel claustrophobic. Adding a curtain will, definitely, give you the feel of a traditional bedroom.

2. make use of natural light

• Plentiful of storage

Having sufficient amount of storage space can be a real challenge in a small space. However, the modern storage solutions are enough to fit in your small space. It is advisable to use multipurpose furniture that has a storage aspect to them also. A bed-cum-sofa with a storage space at the bottom is ideal for small apartments. Moreover, you can put up storage solutions in your floor plan also. Any space between cabinets and ceiling is ideal for storage.

3. plentiful of storage

• The division into various zones

You can dedicate different zones to different uses. Kitchen, bathroom and living room, all can be divided and designated to zones to give your small space a bigger home like feeling. Ditch out the old things which you don’t really require. Use up all the space that is available to you.

4. make divisions

• Don’t spare the walls

If you are leaving walls empty then you are letting a lot of space go unused in your studio room. You can put up vintage arts on the walls. Selecting a cool wallpaper, which suits your style, for the walls, will definitely give your small space a larger than a home feeling. Moreover, you can put up shelves on the wall to get access to more storage space.

Last, but not the least, you must keep your space clean, as even a small amount of things left here and there can feel too much in a small space. Think wisely and creatively and you can do wonders with whatever amount of space you have.

5. dont spare your walls


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